What You Might Expect from Different Kinds of Coffee
You don’t buy coffee beans as ‘beans’.
Let us explain it to you.
The widely popular and advertised coffee beans are not beans. They are actually ‘seeds’.
Yes, seeds!
We roast these seeds to offer you speciality coffee in the UK that you recall every time you think of coffee.
Beans are something different from coffee because they belong to a different family of plants known as Fabaceae. These plants are generally the leguminous ones, producing edible seeds as beans, often found in a pod.
Coffee plants come under the family of plants called the Rubiaceae, which technically makes them a cherry plant species and coffee its pit or seed.
As they look like beans, many took to calling them, well, just beans!
But that’s okay as long as you know they are seeds, and you’ll need an expert coffee place at Salford to roast them for you and serve you an unforgettable cup of coffee.
Do you find this interesting?
Of course, you do!
Reading this post might reveal more such information about coffee and popular coffee drinks.
And that actually helps you make better decisions each time you visit a cafe.
Therefore, read on.
A Good Definition of a Strong Cuppa Coffee

As one of the coffee shops in Salford, we can tell you a cup of coffee might ‘bedazzle’ your taste buds with a variety of tastes you might find breathtakingly diverse.
That’s not an exaggeration.
We, as coffee pros, realised long ago that making a good cup of coffee is tough.
Making a strong cup of speciality coffee is even tougher because you need to learn a lot about roasting, flavour profile, correct brewing method, and the right quantities of ingredients.
Based on these facts, we can say making a good cup of coffee is easy. But, making a great cup of coffee?
You’ll need practice…and insights.
After years of serving people a variety of coffee drinks, we can say that the brewing method, equipment, and, most importantly, the right quantity of coffee make that perfect cup of liquid robustness you never find boring to sip.
Whether it’s Espresso, a familiar Latte, a cup of Cappuccino, or the occasionally popular Irish coffee, you want to make it in the right quotient of the ingredients.
A Short Discourse on Different Sorts of Coffee Beans (Seeds Actually)
Well, if you want to learn about this the easy way, then we might want to tell you that you don’t need to learn a list of names and get confused.
And that’s because there are a lot and a confusing number of coffee beans and roasts out there. You really don’t need to know about all of them unless you want to show up making a cafe that appears when one searches for a coffee shop near me online.
Speaking of these beans, Arabica and Robusta are the most widely cultivated and distributed coffee beans around the world.
And then comes Liberica and Excelsa.
- Arabica
Arabica coffee beans are considered the most popular coffee beans in the UK.
Plus, it is probably the most-produced coffee bean in the world, with a 60% production share worldwide.
That’s a lot!
Arabica coffee originated in Ethiopia. However, many nations such as Colombia, Costa Rica, and more.
You should know that it derived its name from ‘Arabica’ because it was a popular thing in 7th century Arabia. However, as it’s grown at a considerable height from the sea level, Brazil cultivates and produces probably the most Arabica coffee in the world and exports it to all its nations.
Taste and Flavour Profile: Surprisingly, Arabica coffee is not bitter in taste.
It’s rather characterised by the lack of this bitterness and, therefore, how sweet and mellow it is to the taste buds. Arabica Coffee does make fantastic speciality coffee with its mild flavour profile.
- Robusta
Found in sub-Saharan Africa, the Robusta coffee is perhaps the 2nd most popular coffee bean in the world.
To our knowledge, it is quite special. It is a coffee every coffee lover tasted and remarked with concern over the pleasure it gives and the aftereffect it produces on the tongue.
It is now cultivated majorly in Africa and Indonesia although it is very popular in Africa, the Middle-East, Indonesia, and the whole of Europe.
Taste and Flavour Profile: You need Robusta coffee to make a ‘robust’ cuppa coffee…we can tell you that. Robusta has a distinct taste of its own, primarily characterised by the strong bitterness it has (thanks to its high caffeine content).
However, you don’t want to tag it as something coarse when it comes to the flavour profile. It’s just not mellow like Arabica but is a bit richer to the taste buds of the ever-curious coffee fan.
- Liberica and Excelsa (A Brief Discourse)
Although being popular in the US and South America, Liberica coffee is quite popular in the UK for its easy availability, aroma, and flavour profile that comes with mellow, fruity and floral tastes. It is also a cheaper alternative for quick and instant iced coffee.
However, when you are choosing Excelsa coffee, you get a completely new kind of coffee bean that’s unlike any other. Its taste is as fruity as the Liberica beans, but it is also tart. This unique taste might mean different sensations to coffee lovers, who somehow find Excelsa coffee a good blend for a change. You get to grow this coffee in Southeast Asia and India.
What Is the Role of a Roaster in the Speciality Coffee Experience in the UK
A lot!
If you are searching for a coffee store near me now, and your location is Salford, then you should find out more about the Salford Roasters (along with the shop you found). We insist.
The Salford Roasters has been a very popular name in the UK coffee sphere for a long time due to its signature roasts for speciality coffee.
It qualifies as a roaster using only sustainable practices to package and ship the final product. We serve coffee made from the beans roasted by this provider. Our union marked our tie and our never-ending bond in the coffee culture of Salford.
The Salford Roasters is notable for its signature blend of coffee from Brazil and El Salvadore.
Very recently, they welcomed blends from Nicaragua as well.
It generally roasts Arabica coffee beans.
Our coffee shop makes speciality coffee in the UK from the best quality coffee beans from this roaster. We are happy to make our coffee beverages all marked with the signature taste from this roaster.
Different Types of Coffee Drinks You Might Need to Take Note on
Most coffee shops in the UK can serve you a wide range of coffee, impressing you more and more with different coffee drinks, inspired by carefully sourced coffee roasts.
Essentially though, the type of coffee drinks remain the same no matter what coffee bean you use.
To give you an idea of that, here are popular coffee drinks and their variants so that you won’t have a problem choosing your cup of Joe:
- Cafe Noir: Or You Can Just Call It Black Coffee
Although it comes with a fancy name such as that, it is basically ‘simple coffee’ without milk or sugar. Coffee makers are extremely careful to use the coffee in the right quantity for optimized taste and flavour profiles.
- A Shot of Espresso
Very carefully selected coffee beans are ground and measured precisely to prepare a small shot of Espresso. We consider this process as valuable as making a masterpiece. Well-made Espresso has an amazing flavour profile and can easily be used as the foundation for many other coffee drinks.
By the way, you can call it a doppio with a double shot. And if you want to draw the coffee in a longer shot, then you may call it a Lungo where you get more caffeine, more flavour profile, and extra ‘coffee comfort’. Using less of the hot water creates a mellower Espresso drink called the Ristretto.
- Time for the Latte
Well, Latte is probably ‘the most popular coffee drink’ out there in the world.. Making it is not too complicated. You prepare the Espresso with care of course. Then you pour steamed milk, which often comes with additional flavours.
- The World-Renowned Cappuccino
A cuppa Cappuccino works almost in the same way as a cuppa Latte, only with less steamed milk and more foamed milk on top. Moreover, it has to come with that amazing coffee art. If you can use twice the foamed milk, then you are welcome to call it a Galao.
- And the Americano
You can taste Americano coffee for a different but subtle coffee experience. You get the same sort of Espresso here only with no kind of milk but steaming water carefully poured over the Espresso.
- Mocha
How about a chocolate-infused Espresso drink with steamed milk? Also, expect a regal taste of this drink because coffee Mocha also has foamed milk with the steamed milk part.
- Café au Lait
This is what you call the coffee that offers the coffee lover a refined taste defined by the curated use of milk for a better flavour profile, stronger aroma, and mellower coffee experience. Get your Espresso and then add warm milk to it to get your Café au Lait.
- The Irish Coffee
How can we forget the traditional Irish coffee? Made with coffee, whipped cream, and of course, a bit of alcoholic drink, Irish coffee might be great during festive seasons. Snacks and More to Pair with Your Coffee
Snacks and More to Pair with Your Coffee

This is what we as a coffee shop in the UK bring to your table to make your coffee experience unforgettable every time.
Beijing fitness enthusiasts ourselves as owners, we at Cult Coffee Shop bring you healthy snack options and alternative coffee drinks you’ll find super-interesting.
For instance, it’s great to have a breakfast filled with protein and other nutrients curated in a delightful balance of taste and savouriness.
Want to know what to order with a cup of Cappuccino or the classic Black Coffee?
Well, you can go for our veggie breakfast, which has scrambled eggs with pesto, a choice of sauce, cheddar cheese, and more ingredients. We carefully wrap it around a toasted flatbread or serve it over a toasted focaccia sandwich.
We can promise you that breakfasts like these made by us bring a ‘filling’ experience with your coffee.
Plus, we also guarantee a cultural experience whenever you enter our cafe at Salford.
How do we do it? The points below might help you out:
- Don’t Miss Our Protein Coffee
Also known as proffee, it’s a drink many fitness enthusiasts and professionals are craving. We make them tastier with our in-house ingredients and fabulous flavours, only available at our humble Salford coffee shop.
- Couple Your Coffee with a Protein Ball
Why don’t you grab a protein ball or two, which we prepare for you with careful and thoughtfully selected ingredients? We make them rich with proteinous ingredients, turning them into a superfood, which you can have after your workouts. Come visit our coffee shop post gym sessions.
- Maybe a Protein Breakfast Would Do Just Fine
That’s about the post-workout option. You might be wondering about something for pre-workout, with which we won’t disappoint you. Come join us for a healthy protein breakfast with a cup of coffee anytime.
- Want Something Vegan? Get It Here!
We encourage veganism and we are into serving vegan delicacies for our vegan customers with coffee. Even if you’re not a vegan, you can surely try out a vegan item on our menu.
P.S.: Feel free to bring your dog to our cafe too.
To Conclude: Come Join the Coffee Cult Today
All that’s left for you to do now is to type a local coffee shop near me in Salford and find one to explore what you learnt.
However, exploring all of these coffee drinks and bean types needs time.
Luckily, we have all our time only for customers like you who are enthusiastic about coffee. We appreciate that you treat coffee more than a drink of necessity in the mornings and the evenings.
Known as Cult Coffee Shop, we have been brewing authentic coffee from the original beans of the legendary Salford Roasters.
Come visit us soon for a sip.